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Crowman Cont

After drinking a few sips of the cordial, relishing its rich, sweet taste and the way it made his mouth feel more like the Garden of Eden than the Sahara Desert Crow decided to give Sergei, who was growing more impatient by the second judging by his twitching feet, an explanation.

"When I...well before I could awaken Tommy, who woke him up by the way? Did everything go to plan?" Sergei glowered at him.

"Tell me what in the name of God has got you so panicky and then I'll tell you what happened otherwise I'll castrate you" Sergei snarled, his hand tightening around Crow's glass.

Crow raised his eyebrows, a smirk playing around the edges of his thin lips. "Yes your Royal Grumpiness". Sergei growled. "Okay okay I get the message keep your feathers on! Alright, before I could awaken Tommy I was hit by this...intense pain but above it I could sense someone slipping into my mind",

"and there's only one being who can do that" Sergei said gravely.

"Mmm, Mother Nature." Crow winced at the internal pain the came with saying his mother's name. 'Don't tear up, don't tear up, not yet, not now'. Taking a deep breath Crow forced himself to continue. "She's, she's dead Sergei, my Mother is dead, the humans found a way to kill her!"

The waves of grief threatened to sweep him up again but with an effort Sergei was able to temp them down. "But before she died, she, she told us, she ordered us to avenge her, to destroy the humans. All of humanity. And the guardians, most of them will follow her. But Sergei, please believe when I say that I won't, because of you, because of the promise I made to Charlotte and Elizabeth and because, quite frankly the world would be rather dull without humans." By this point Sergei was fighting back tears. "I wanted to die Sergei. The pain was so bad that I wanted to die! I begged my mind I begged you to kill me, to end the pain, it was that bad Sergei."

"Oh Crow, it's gonna be alright, we'll fix it, shh it's gonna be alright" Sergei soothed, opening his arms out for Crow to topple into them and cling to him as if he were a life line. "It's gonna be okay" Sergei murmured, rubbing Crow's back as he sobbed into Sergei's muscular chest. Eventually Crow managed to stop the flood that was pouring out of his eyes and the animalistic howls of grief that were tearing their way out of his dry mouth.

"I think Sergei" he said slowly after a few deep breaths, "that that was the first time I've cried in 500 years. In fact last night was the first time since losing Charlotte and Elizabeth that I wanted to die. Interesting isn't it? I wonder if the pain I felt when Mother entered my mind was all her's or if she was manipulating myself and the other guardians ? I mean she was in our heads and we've all suffered. Raven and I may be the only ones who have loved, and still love humans in my case but we've all suffered, hurt, grieved and it would be so easy for her to manipulate those feelings".

"Do you really think that your mother was capable of that?" Sergei asked sceptically as he helped Crow down the rest of the cordial. "Oh certainly. Where do you think I get my warmth and compassion from. It wasn't just good looks that I inherited from her" Crow smiled.

"Oh so there are another reasons why I'm still here other than your charm and irresistible beauty" Sergei joked. "Hey some of the crows are back" he remarked, shifting slightly to give the incoming crow's landing space.

Published 2nd of February 2017

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